Alpha Omicron Pi Kansas City Alumnae


Bridging the Gap

Last Monday several members of the KC alumnae chapter met at the home of member Melanie for a "green" presentation by a representative of Bridging the Gap. We learned about "Five Green Things" that we can all do:
  1. Give up bottled water.
  2. Wash your laundry in cold water.
  3. Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs.
  4. Set the thermostat at 68 in the winter, 78 in the summer.
  5. Cut your gasoline use by one quarter.
You can learn more about these things here. Bridging the Gap even has a cool green button you can click on and sign up to track your progress! Once you sign up, they will give you ideas for how to make the changes, and provide additional actions when you're ready. According to Bridging the Gap's website, making these small changes can help reduce your household's emissions by 4000 pounds, or 15%!


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