Alpha Omicron Pi Kansas City Alumnae


Girls' Night Out at Old Chicago!

This week on Friday, September 19, the Kansas City area alumnae will host a Girls' Night Out and Fall Kickoff at Old Chicago in Olathe, located at I-35 and 119th Street. We welcome any and all alumnae in the area to join us. We'll be meeting at the restaurant at 7 p.m. for dinner, drinks, and conversation. Since we'll need to contact the restaurant on Friday to make a reservation, we'll need to have a somewhat accurate count of how many ladies will be joining us. If you haven't already, please send an RSVP email to Jenny at applebugg{at}gmail{dot}com. Please try to RSVP so we make sure to have enough space for everyone, but if you just show up we'll still be happy to see you!  
When you get there, just let the hostess know you are with the AOII group. Or, wear your letters and look for others with the same!


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