Alpha Omicron Pi Kansas City Alumnae


A Successful Fundraiser.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our spring fundraiser by selling and/or purchasing plants!! The plants will arrive from Greeson's Greenhouses on Friday, April 27. They will be delivered to Michele Park's home around 8 a.m. and she could use some help unloading and sorting the plants. If you are available and would like to help out, please email us and we will provide directions to Michele's. She will provide coffee and donuts for any helpers! When our order is placed with the greenhouse, we have to order full flats. Because of this, we often end up with lots of extra plants. Here is a list of extra plants we will have available, which can still be purchased. If you see some on the list that you know you want, email us so we can reserve them for you.

1/2 flats (3 packs) at $9.50 of the following: Harmony Begonias (Bronze Leaf) Mix Prelude Begonias (Green Leaf) Pink Red Rose Moss Sundial Mix French Marigolds Gold Yellow Impatiens Coral Pink Red Violet Vincas White Individual pots of Wave Petunias for $3 per pot (or a mix of 15 pots for $40) of the following colors: Blue (dark purple) - 16 pots available Misty Lilac - 14 pots available Rose - 3 pots available Individual pots of 5" Geraniums for $3.50 per pot of the following colors: Violet - 4 pots available

If you are interested in any of these, let us know so we can hold them for you!


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